Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Plant Diagnostics

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As an analyst I like working with data, I love collecting and reviewing data to help make critical decisions. I decided to do the same for my plants. While there are lots of online sources that provide you broken, unclear and sometimes inaccurate information important to grow and maintain healthy plants, I decided to put together a database that could define all critical details about plants I grow at one place.

The following excel file has details in relation to:
  1. Scientific Name
  2. Common Name
  3. Exposure
  4. Light Requirements
  5. Soil Type
  6. Soil pH
  7. Watering Specifications
  8. Fertilizer Balance
It is available for the following plants: Gardenia "Four Seasons", Gardenia "Prostrata", Jasmine "Flora Piena", Night Blooming Jasmine, Day Blooming Jasmine, Curry leaves, Holy Basil, Sweet Basil, Rosemary and Nasturtiums.

I cant believe that I have gathered 11 varieties of plants in my tiny New York apartment.

Link to file: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pI_VKJninvUMzkcnUIykdZw

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